"Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food."

Hippocrates, 390 BC

"Susannah Lawson is my favourite nutritional therapist."

Patrick Holford, founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition and Britain’s best-selling health author

Transform stress

Stress is a problem for so many, yet finding a way to genuinely manage it and decrease its negative effects can be very challenging. Often we just decide to live with it - life is stressful and everyone else is stressed, so why make it a big deal?

Here's why - in the past year alone, studies have shown that stress, if left unchecked, causes serious damage to your health, giving you:

  • A five-fold increased risk of dying from heart-related problems.
  • Double the risk of developing diabetes in men.
  • A 65% increased risk of developing dementia.
  • Double the chance of developing obesity.
  • A 12% lower likelihood of conception if you're a fertile women.
  • An increased risk of breast cancer.

I've also discovered in my years of practice that no matter how good a diet or supplement programme you follow, if you don't find a way to tackle the negative effects of stress, it's almost impossible to completely overcome your health problems and achieve your wellbeing goals. So finding a way to help my clients transform stress in their lives became a top priority.

After many years of searching out and trying different approaches, I finally discovered HeartMath. This is a simple, easy-to-learn technique that helps you to transform stress in the moment - which is key as so many stress management techniques focus on calming down after the stress has passed, when you've potentially already been suffering the negative emotional and hormonal effects for hours.

People who practice HeartMath also experience:

  • An enhanced sense of emotional wellbeing.
  • More energy.
  • Less anxiety and worry.
  • Clearer thinking.
  • Improved cognitive performance.
  • Better quality of sleep.

What's more, studies have a found that daily practice can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol while increasing levels of the rejuvenating hormone DHEA and help a range of health conditions, from diabetes to high blood pressure, depression to heart arrhythmia. To find out more and view all scientific references, I suggest you view the article I wrote for Patrick Holford's website - click here to access.

Learn HeartMath for yourself

After attending a training course in California in 2009, I completed my accreditation in 2010 to become the first nutritional health practitioner qualified to teach HeartMath to clients in the UK. I can now offer one-to-one sessions, using the revolutionary HeartMath emWave technology, to assess your current state of stress and teach you practical, easy-to-follow daily exercises to help you transform stress and improve your sense of wellbeing. The emWave technology also helps us to monitor your progress - and I can lend (or sell) you a portable emWave Personal Stress Reliever so you can monitor your progress each day.

Sessions cost £60 per hour and we usually require three, and sometimes more, to teach you the different HeartMath techniques and equip you with the skills to manage stress for yourself going forward.

I also teach some public workshops and will post dates as and when these occur (the next one is likely to be in London in Autumn 2011).

To find out more, please email me.